Serving coffee and food between mass services on Sundays
(English, Spanish and Vietnamese Groups)
Sunday performances and mid-week rehearsals for all three groups.
SVDP Community Cafe Sunday Dinner Servers
Help St. Vincent DePaul serve a meal to those in need every week.
Bible Study Groups
For women, men, or focused on a subject. Many studies are available.
Girl Scouts
Weekly meetings happen on campus throughout the school year.
St. Vincent DePaul
Located across the street from the church. Offering food and supplies to those in need.
Hospitality and Greeting Teams
Serving Sundays to create a welcoming atmosphere with door greeting, coffee and food service.
Knights of Columbus Men’s Service Group
Organizes a variety of community and church related service projects.
Catholic Daughters Women’s Service Group
Service group embraces the principles of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and dignity for all.